The Social responsibility of a company is constructed and consolidated by means of an ethical, caring, and responsible posture with the different relationships with audiences and with the networks in which the company is involved.

At KNBS we believe that social responsibility is the fairway to sustainability. We care and act aiming for the well-being and success of our collaborators and clients and we know that we are co-responsible for the development of the communities in which we get into and for the planet’s future.

This understanding is explicit in the achievement of our mission and in the various ways we act in a society we are part of. It is also expressed by means of many of the solutions we develop and make available to the market. 

See some of our awarded products like EcoAequo and Management of Urban Forestry.

We have more examples of our social and responsible actions, as partners within the third sector, promoting and researching digitalization, energy transformation, and processes to mitigate climate change.

Some awarded environmental products can be evaluated from our portfolio:

The EcoAequo: for the promotion of selective waste collection (United Nations Organization awarded)

The Urban Forestry Suite: for urban landscaping control

The Logistika Suite: for waste collection control and reverse logistics

The EKL Suite (Environmental Kontrol and Logistics): for the environmental licensing control and waste logistics

Customer engagement, relationship management, and multichannel data analysis products:

KNBS promotes the understanding of the client’s needs and expectations so that a more effective relationship can be carried out.

The processes involve the offered service cultural (re)organization, aggregating the regional knowledge and needs. They also promote the repositioning of services offered and the careful analysis of systems and operational services processes. Other evaluations recognize goals and resources, guaranteeing business strategies maximizing profits from the offered products.

The job often goes through interest surveys, satisfaction surveys, procedures (re)evaluation, and deep analysis in large databases, using big data techniques, machine learning, and cognitive-analytical systems. We applied all these on at least three fronts of reference:

Prospektor: a system for field surveys, satisfaction surveys, and operation ongoing evaluation

KVS (Key Video Spot):  a complete video call center system

Intelligence systems: cognitive-analytical characterization of the regional relationship and operation needs with big data and service qualification

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